Today kicked off the 2014 Rare Books and Manuscripts conference! The temperature registered a steamy 102 degrees–reminding us all that Vegas is best experienced in the air conditioning. Here’s a few highlights, courtesy of our friends on Twitter! If you couldn’t attend this year, but would like to get in on the action, you can join the online conversation with #rbms14.
I just looked straight into the Vegas weather forecast & now I'm blind. #rbms14
— Will Hansen (@ambiguitweets) June 24, 2014
When I landed early this morning it was 85. It's now 103. Thankful for AC. #quiteadifferencefromMN #rbms14
— Tim Johnson (@UMBookworm) June 24, 2014
We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold. #fearandloathing #Vegas #rbms14
— Sunday Steinkirchner (@SundayRareBooks) June 24, 2014
Applying Descriptive Cataloguing of Rare Materials (Graphics)
Vic Zoschak, proprietor of Tavistock Books, was proud to serve as moderator for today’s workshop “Applying Descriptive Cataloguing of Rare Materials (Graphics),” sponsored by Bauman Rare Books. Our friend Erin Blake of the Folger Shakespeare Library organized the event, presenting alongside Ellen Cordes of the Lewis Walpole Library and Helena Zinkham from the Prints and Photography Division of the Library of Congress. They offered an enlightening introduction to the Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Graphics), or DCRM(G), the successor to Elisabeth Betz Parker’s Graphic Materials: Rules for Describing Original Items and Historical Collections.
A glimpse into my life: WOW, Descriptive Cataloging Rare Materials (Books), 3rd ed is online as free pdf!
— Sarah Werner (@wynkenhimself) June 23, 2014
Challenging to devise title for this uncaptioned photo for cataloging workshop exercise #rbms14
— Diane Shaw (@Museocat) June 24, 2014
@kos2 @kos2 Interesting puzzles to think about! Neat thinking here – & #rbms14
— Thomas Padilla (@thomasgpadilla) June 24, 2014
Designing an Effective Instructional Program
Meanwhile, Robin M. Katz and Julie Golia, Co-Directors of Students and Faculty in the Archives (SAFA) at the Brooklyn Historical Society, presented “Designing an Effective Instructional Program.” They delved into using primary sources to teach document analysis, information literacy, and critical thinking skills.The workshop spurred plenty of thoughtful, engaging conversation both at the workshop and online.
"Outreach means teaching" — @robinmkatz #rbms14
— Bob Kosovsky (@kos2) June 24, 2014
Archivist: What do you want them to see? Teacher: what do you have? Archivist: well what do you want? Repeat #rbms14
— Mattie Taormina (@MattieT650) June 24, 2014
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